About Us

At Nobos Software LLC, we specialize in developing high-quality iOS and Android apps backed by powerful AWS solutions. Our mission is to deliver innovative software that meets the needs of the modern world.

Our Apps

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Android RPN Calculator app

RPN Calculator

RPN Calculator by Nobos Software LLC is a powerful and efficient reverse Polish notation (RPN) calculator designed for professionals and students. It simplifies complex calculations and supports a wide range of mathematical functions, making it an essential tool for engineers, scientists, and math enthusiasts. The app features a user-friendly interface, quick access to common functions, and the ability to handle large calculations with ease. Experience the precision and efficiency of RPN with this robust calculator app.

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iOS Coffee and breweries finder app


Brewies is a mobile application designed to help coffee and brewery enthusiasts discover local and lesser-known coffee shops and breweries. The app provides location-based search, detailed reviews, ratings, and the ability to save favorite spots. Users can explore unique and authentic experiences beyond mainstream options, making Brewies a perfect companion for those looking to delve into the local beverage scene. With a user-friendly interface and personalized journeys, Brewies offers a comprehensive guide for coffee and beer lovers.

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Contact Us

For inquiries, please contact us at: [email protected]